The human body is a hotbed of flammable and explosive chemicals. It's a wonder they haven't made it illegal yet! Click the cathead below for a demo of just how dangerous a human body can be, and then write your congressman!
What if your name was Björk? Think you would get made fun of a lot? What would you do if people were screaming the word 'Björk' at you over and over again on national TV just as you were trying to have a quiet day at the airport? Even if it weren't your name, I wouldn't blame you for acting like a Bjërk.
Who's this raving beaty in her form fitting dress all made of SALAD?? Must be one of those Lettuce Ladies! Click that nice Lettuce Lady for a completely unrelated video of someone's bad day at work. Have you ever had a workday that bad? I think not.
No page of videos would be complete without a Residents video! Unfortunately, by that definition this page is incomplete. Instead, this video involves some hooligans who lost their the way to the soccer game, and, having nothing better to do, wound up terrorizing a bicycle race.
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